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The footage shows the Karen shouting at a man behind her for not wearing a mask, then hitting him when he responded: “You put your mask on, bitch!”

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Ahead of Easter, students mock Jesus, joke his semen provides ‘everlasting life’
Editor’s note: Offensive language

Student athletes at Hamilton College also display profane mock-up of Last Supper in dining hall

A series of jokes and banners published and hung at Hamilton College recently has upset some observers who argue anti-Christian sentiments fester at the small, New York-based private liberal arts institution.

Here’s What the Left Is Really Mad About With Elon Musk’s Offer to Buy Twitter
By Brandon Morse | Apr 14, 2022 3:00 PM ET

You’ve likely heard by now that Tesla/SpaceX CEO Elon Musk made good on his word and has made an offer to buy Twitter whole-hog. The goal, as he’s been saying openly, is to take the largest conversation site on the web and take it from the dictatorial grasp of the radical leftists who silence everyone to the right of Marx at every turn and return it to a platform that values free speech.

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